Zeller+Gmelin: Low-migration ink series for LED UV offset printing
The ink manufacturer Zeller+Gmelin GmbH & Co. KG has expanded its extensive portfolio of low-migration inks with a new series of scale colours for LED UV application in offset sheet fed printing and web offset printing.
The low-migration feature of the Uvalux® LED U581 FCM series is proven by results of appropriate analyses. Since it is also classified as low in odour, it is also particularly suited for printing food packaging – paper as well as foil packaging. All used raw materials are up-to-date with the requirements of the EU chemicals regulation REACH and the EuPIA Exclusion Policy.
Among the characteristics of the series is an appropriate ink-water balance, optimised flow characteristics, so that it ensures stable continuous printing in the printing machine. Because of the high reactivity a LED-aggregate is sufficient for the safe curing. The absorption spectrum of the new series is designed for the wavelength ranges 385 nm and 395 nm. Next to the aspect of low-migration, printing with the new LED-UV-ink series offers the benefit of a reduced heat input to the print substrate, so that temperature-sensitive substrates can be processed, too. Since various cold foils can be overprinted very well, a high-quality finishing of the print products is possible.
Initial printing tests with the Uvalux® LED U581 FCM ink series were successful. Furthermore, during the tests for the food packaging production in the LED UV offset print the new cold foil adhesive developed by Zeller+Gmelin named LED U0851 FCM was used. The reactivity of ink series and adhesive is similarly high. The adhesive can be printed in sharp edges and shows good adhesion in relation to foil and substrate. It is a transparent adhesive with a light shade of grey, which firstly facilitates the positioning and secondly allows controlling the applied quantity. The Uvalux® LED U0851 FCM cold foil adhesive also has low migration and covers the same area of application as the Uvalux® LED U581 FCM ink series. For the new cold foil adhesive there also are analyses, which confirm its low-migration charakteristics.
Photo Caption: Image: New low-migration ink series developed by Zeller+Gmelin for LED UV application in sheet fed and web offset printing.