HomeNews › Following a marked upturn in business in the second half of the year, the Gallus Group posted a turnover of CHF 188 million in 2013 (previous year: CHF 193 million)
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Following a marked upturn in business in the second half of the year, the Gallus Group posted a turnover of CHF 188 million in 2013 (previous year: CHF 193 million)

Business stimulated by growing economic stability over the year

The global economy stabilised over the course of 2013, supporting positive business performance. Following a modest start to the year, incoming orders and turnover increased significantly during the second six months, exceeding expectations slightly.
The label printing press business saw sustained demand for competitive machines in lower-priced printing presses, not least because an increasing share of turnover was being generated in the emerging markets. The Gallus ECS 340, in particular, was well placed to meet this demand. With this machine system, Gallus became the first printing press manufacturer to use technical granite as the carrier for printing and processing units. The shortest setup times in the industry coupled with further innovations in the use of the printing press enable users to cut their label production costs significantly.